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Saturn : The most beautiful planet in the solar system.

Saturn : The most beautiful planet in the solar system.

Image : Saturn

After Jupiter Saturn is the biggest planet in the solar system. That is around 750 times the scale of our Planet. The diameter of the surface of Saturn is 116 thousand kilometres; that is, approximately nine times the Earth's diameter.
Our Planet is approximately fifteen crore kilometres from the Sun. Saturn is ten times more far from the Sun than the Earth. It can even be observed with blank eyes.

Saturn is Son of the Sun according to our mythology. If this planet enters the zodiac of someone, so for 7.5 years it is not well.

Nature has put beautiful necklaces around the neck of this planet. These rings of Saturn have made this planet the most beautiful planet in the solar system. Saturn is the most beautiful planet in the solar system.

According to the latest information, Jupitar, Uranus and Neptune also has rings. But the ring of Saturn is more detailed and clear. We have got detailed information about the wonderful and many features of Saturn in modern times.

Image : Saturn

Saturn orbits the Sun at a very slow speed in about 30 years. That is why even after a year, there is no significant change in the position of Saturn in the sky.

Saturn is about 10 times farther from Earth than the Sun. That's why very little sunset reaches this planet. The temperature of Saturn's atmosphere is - 150 ° C. Saturn is an extremely cold planet.

Like Jupiter, Saturn's atmosphere is also composed of hydrogen helium methane and ammonia gases. We have no information about the surface of Saturn. We can only see its bright outer atmosphere. The center of Saturn should have solid kernels. But it is not possible for humans to descend on Saturn like Moon, Mars and Venus.

Image : Saturn

Just two decades ago, Saturn's ten natural satellites were discovered.
But now the number of Saturn's satellite has reached 17. Vyoger spacecraft sent from Earth reached Saturn and through this, 7 new satellites of this planet were discovered. There may be more satellites of Saturn.

Saturn's largest satellite Titan is the most important and interesting satellite of the solar system. Titan is much bigger than our moon. Its diameter is 5150 km.  Until a few years ago, Titan was considered the largest satellite in the Solar System. But the Vyoger probe has revealed that Jupiter's Ganymede satellite is the largest satellite in the solar system. It is not possible to land a spacecraft on the surface of Saturn, But spacecraft can be landed in Titan's surface.

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